Yesterday, driving to somewhere at around 11:30am, put the radio on and went to Radio4, which H listens to. Heard something about parenting and children playing instruments so stayed on there, its usually something I'm completely uninterested in when I do tune in.
It turned out to be a short piece by Rosie Millard on Pushy Parenting......among her talk on how she feels a parent must push children, and how good it would eventually be for the children etc was probably the most jaw dropping thing in parenting I've ever heard, notwithstanding the horror, scary unmentionables.
Our children have learnt some sort of instrument, because they want to, yes I have started it off and have repeatedly said if they want to quit, its absolutely fine. Personally, I dont think children under 8 need the rigours of daily practice etc, but each to his own. Having said all this, this is what I was zapped about, yesterday morning:
Rosie said she offers use of her house to a London Orchestra string quartet to practice regularly, in the hope that the music or ? rubs off on her children and they take to liking/wanting to play classical music...... She calls it eccentric, I am speechless........
It turned out to be a short piece by Rosie Millard on Pushy Parenting......among her talk on how she feels a parent must push children, and how good it would eventually be for the children etc was probably the most jaw dropping thing in parenting I've ever heard, notwithstanding the horror, scary unmentionables.
Our children have learnt some sort of instrument, because they want to, yes I have started it off and have repeatedly said if they want to quit, its absolutely fine. Personally, I dont think children under 8 need the rigours of daily practice etc, but each to his own. Having said all this, this is what I was zapped about, yesterday morning:
Rosie said she offers use of her house to a London Orchestra string quartet to practice regularly, in the hope that the music or ? rubs off on her children and they take to liking/wanting to play classical music...... She calls it eccentric, I am speechless........
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